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Let’s Play Ball!

Please join us on Thursday, October 3rd at the Gage Park baseball diamonds for ProAction Cops & Kids’ 9th Annual Hamilton Baseball Tournament.  This tournament has become a favourite ProAction event amongst Hamilton youth and police officers. It provides under-resourced youth from across Hamilton with a unique opportunity to step onto a baseball diamond alongside police officers to discover their love of this sport. For many of the young participants, this tournament represents their first experience on the baseball field.

At the start of the day, youth and officers are organized into four teams that play in a Round Robin style tournament. Proud participants demonstrate their skills in a home-run derby where players compete against each other in an attempt to hit the ball out of the park.  To keep energized, participants enjoy pizza and healthy snacks throughout the day while cheering on their teammates and police coaches. All are awarded for their participation and the winning team takes ownership of the tournament trophy – at least until next year!


The Hamilton Baseball Tournament is a great opportunity for you and your company to get involved in a worthy cause. ProAction is pleased to offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities for this event.  Your sponsorship will not only help ProAction continue to fund incredible programs, but can also directly and positively help guide program youth to better life choices and futures.


“I really think that connecting with at risk youth through sports is a great way to teach them that the police really do care about them and want to support their community. The students learn about teamwork and compassion along the way” – ProAction Program Officer


Click here to download a PDF of the Sponsorship Package


Home Run Sponsors









Outfield Sponsors














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