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Thank you for joining us at ProAction Cops & Kids’ 2017 Annual Golf Tournament.

Over the years, ProAction’s golf tournaments have helped raise the much needed funds that have significantly contributed to the growing number of police programs we support. Since inception, ProAction has supported over 2,000 programs and has impacted the lives of over 400,000 young people.

Our guests this year received exclusive access to Coppinwood Golf Club, a challenging course that left all our golfers with smiles and great memories. Program youth from #Chopped55 hosted a food tasting station and shared some of their favourite foods to thank our golfers, sponsors and donors for their generous support.

This year’s golf tournament raised over $100,000 to support ProAction programs! We thank everyone for their contribution, for the time spent learning more about ProAction’s work and for helping us give young people new opportunities that lead to better futures.

We hope you will join us again next year!

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